
Recent feature available paintings by Josh Burggraf, all the below are acrylic on mounted canvas. A complete PDF of available paintings can be found in the LINKTREE

As a painter, my work is deeply rooted in the exploration of visual collage and the reinterpretation of existing imagery. I view the act of painting as a dynamic process of discovery, where every layer, texture, and color choice is a step toward understanding the work as a whole. By juxtaposing thousands of intersections—whether they are visual, conceptual, or historical—I seek to create a space where the past and present collide, where the familiar becomes strange, and the unknown reveals itself.

My process is one of continuous exploration, questioning, and transformation. Each painting is a conversation with the artists who have come before me. I connect to them by reinterpreting and repurposing their visual language. 

Ultimately, my work is an ongoing dialogue between the past and present, between intention and chance. It’s about making space for spontaneity and new possibilities, while also paying homage to the lineage of mark-making that stretches across human history. Through this process, I hope to uncover new ways of seeing, both for myself and for those who engage with the work.

A gallery of selected



Film and Television Production